Issue 1: Service Cock (Partial) Interview

I (Abby) met Chimchango at a show in San Antonio. He was kind enough to give a short interview for this zine’s first issue. Chimchango also goes by Angel (he/him) and is in a local band called Service Cock. This interview transcript has been cut down/shortened.

May 14, 2022

Angel: Yeah. I’m in a band called Service Cock. We just started as a quarantine band. I was living with my drummer, and there was nothing to do at home every day, besides drink or smoke. And so we started a band.

How did you get into folk punk?

Angel: My friend Avi. He would throw house shows…And the first show I went to was an Escape From the Zoo show. And that sound just kind of caught me off guard. I was like, ‘what is this? There’s more music out there besides what’s on Tony Hawk’? So yeah, that’s’ how I got into folk punk. And then I started meeting other people who played folk punk and became friends with them. From San Antonio, to Austin and Houston and stuff like that. A lot of friends. And that’s how I got into folk punk. … But as long as you’ve got something to listen to, to get you through the day, like it doesn’t matter if it’s folk punk or whatever. As long as you’ve got something to listen to.

~ Interview conducted by Abby

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