I sat down with Taylor Dittman of Doom Scroll to chat touring, podcasts, and what the future holds for the band.Ā 

Mars: Hi!

Taylor: Hello!

We finally did it! We finally found the time!

Mars: It didnā€™t take almost 2 months!!!

Taylor: I’m excited!

Mars: So where should we start? How about ā€œwhere are you from?ā€

Taylor: I am from Wyoming, I grew up in Wyoming ā€“ Rock Springs, Wyoming. Itā€™s a really fun place to be from [laughs] Then I moved to Fort Collins, and grew up the majority of my formative years in Fort Collins, I would say from like, 14, to like, now.

Mars: What was your first exposure to folk punk?

Taylor: I used to play music on the street, I used to busk for rent money when I was 18 and didnā€™t have a job [laughs] so I would play with my friends on street corners for money.

Mars: What was your first instrument?

Taylor: I first played the bongos.[Laughs]

Mars: I love it!

Taylor: With my friends, there was just a random sundry of instruments around, and then I played the guitar for a little bit, then I got a washboard and played washboard.

Mars: Are your hands as fast on guitar as they are on washboard?

Taylor: Uh, no my strumming…its a whole different muscle! I can strum decently on a guitar,Ā  I canā€™t play anything from Doom Scroll on guitar. [Laughs]

Mars: Well yeah, thatā€™s Pā€™s job!

Taylor: Yeah, thatā€™s Pā€™s job! [laughs]

Mars: Well speaking of Doom Scroll, how would you compare the different types of crowds you pulled when you toured with Apes of the State versus Holy Locust?

Taylor: They were booked so differently, because the Holy Locust tour that we went on was booked through an agent, so we did a lot of big shows, a lot of big venues. Apes of the State was definitely DIY all the way, so it was house shows, and small venues, and it was all-ages. I would say I like the Apes of the State style of tour a lot more, in the way the crowds showed up. ā€˜Cause there were a lot of young kids, ready to show up and rage for the music as opposed to big venues where it was a lot of people there to drink. [laughs] So that was the big difference I noticed.

Mars: I have to say, having seen both, I also preferred the Apes showsā€¦Apes puts on good shows.

Taylor: Yeah!

Mars: Ā How does it feel gaining so much traction on TikTok?

Taylor: Oh yeah, that was really weird. It still weirds me out, that so many people have seen me play washboard on TikTok. I just one day was like, ā€œyou know what? Iā€™m just gonnaā€¦ā€ Yā€™know I ask people all the time if they want me to play washboard for them and they just look at me like Iā€™m crazy, for lack of a better word? I mean, they look at me like ā€œabsolutely not, who is this person?ā€ I can never just whip out a washboard and show people how good I am at it, so thats the reason why I did it. I still donā€™t understand why it got big. Iā€™m still processing the whole TikTok thing.

Mars: Itā€™s pleasantly surprising.

Taylor: Yeah.

Mars: I saw the Emmett Otter Jug Bang Christmas TikTok you made, and it warmed my little heart.

Taylor: I had never seen that before, and someone mentioned it on TikTok and I watched it and it was cute. So of course I had to cover it.

Mars: To be honest, Emmett Otterā€™s jug band was my first exposure to folk punk.

Taylor: [Laughs] I could see it. Its a solid jug band, itā€™s a solid little band.

Mars: So, the Doom Scroll touring van, does that thing fit through drive thrus?

Taylor: Yeah, it does! Barely. Itā€™s got like two inches to spare. It wonā€™t fit in a lot of covered parking.

Mars: That van is amazing.

Taylor: Yeah itā€™s so nice.

Mars: Do you ever do any of the driving?

Taylor: I try not to drive, we have people in the band who love to drive and then if weā€™re like on a 10 hour haul, then yeah, Iā€™ll do some of it. I donā€™t like to drive personally, thats too much responsibility for my anxiety to handle.

Mars: Fair enough!! Do yā€™all take turns choosing the music, or the podcast, or whatever?

Taylor: Driverā€™s choice.

Mars: Ah, nice.

Taylor: And the vanā€™s so big, the driver can be blaring music and you can be in the back with headphones on and you canā€™t even hear it.

Mars: What would you put on as Driver DJ?

Taylor: I make everybody listen to podcasts with me, I like to listen to, like, Freakanomics, and This American Life, and some Crime Junkies, some horror podcasts in there, some murder…

Mars: Just a little bit of murder.

Taylor: Just a little bit of murder with my economics radio. I make them listen to the boring stuff on NPR.

Mars: Hey now, I love NPR. I listen every morning and get my little recap.

Taylor: I love that.

Mars: What would you say is your favorite part about touring?

Taylor: Lets see. Itā€™s not gas station bathrooms.

Mars: Oh no.

Taylor: That’s most of what you see on tour, gas stations. But I think my favorite part of tour is comparing the different scenes to each other. Like, you kinda get to see a little snippet of a cityā€™s population and how they respond to music. So like, in Denver, the scene is very chanty, I donā€™t know how to explain this, like, if youā€™re playing in Denver they wanna chant. So you can start a chant with them and theyā€™ll chant back. Or like, when we were in, where were we, I feel like it was somewhere on the west coast ā€“ everyone was clapping, they were a very clappy scene. Itā€™s very interesting the little, slightly different nuances across the scenesā€¦

Mars: Youā€™re absolutely right, though! Iā€™m making the connection ā€“ every scene brings something different to the table, Iā€™m thinking back on a show I went to in Portland [Oregon] and they really big on stomping.

Taylor: Yeah, and then thereā€™s the lighter crowds, the crowds that pull out their lighters, itā€™s always so different everywhere you play, just slight differences that make every place unique and special.

Mars: Whatā€™s your go-to gas station snack on the topic of touring?

Taylor: Pickles.

Mars: Yes! Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not the only pickle person. Theyā€™re so good!
Mars: Okay, last question about touring and gas stations ā€“ whatā€™s your favorite truck stop?

Taylor: Hmmā€¦

Mars: Are you a Flying J? Loves? Pilot?

Taylor: You know what, I experienced a…what was it called, Chuckeyā€™s…Buccees!!! Thats what its called! That was the most bizarre place Iā€™ve ever been to. I think I was awestruck by theā€¦the whole nine yards.

Mars: That place is surreal.

Taylor: Itā€™s like a fever dream. You step out of the van and youā€™re like ā€œwhere are we?ā€ Itā€™s like the Walmart of gas stations. I was so confused. But their bathrooms were immaculate! It was so weird. I would have to say, just from that experience, that was my first time going to Bucceeā€™s, but I was like, ā€œI wish all gas stations were as clean as this one.

Mars: They do have nice bathrooms.

Taylor: Immaculate. I could hang out in the stall for a hot minute and not have to worry about anything.

Mars: You donā€™t have to like, put your foot against the door to keep it closed.

Taylor: Nope! [laughs]

Mars: So does it feel like youā€™re in a folk punk supergroup?

Taylor: [Laughs] We came together with the joke that were a supergroup but weā€™re just people that have played music in some capacity for the past ten years…I mean, I wouldnā€™t say weā€™re not a supergroup because weā€™re all so cool. [Laughs] I think we just have all just played music for so long that getting together and actually touring, thats a hard thing to find, actual musicians that can tour, so the fact that we can all get together and tour, we can all get along decently, and hang out. I think thats what makes it more of a supergroup than being quote-unquote ā€œfamous folk punkersā€, I donā€™t know what makes a supergroup but usually its famous people, and weā€™re definitely not that.

Mars: I would say Doom Scroll is like the Spice Girls of the scene. [laughs]

Taylor: [Laughs] Okay I can go with that! Thatā€™s great, Iā€™d love to be the Spice Girls of the scene. It sounds way less…whats the word, pompous? I feel like the word supergroup gets thrown around out there and weā€™re all like, ā€œNo! Thats absolutely not what we are.ā€

Mars: Okay, but that means you all have to choose a spice.

Taylor: Okay, Iā€™m down, we can do the Spice Girls, Iā€™ll pitch it to the group. Iā€™ll make them all take a picture in regards to their Spice Girl.

Mars: Iā€™d love to hear back on that! For some reason here in my notes I wrote ā€œgrey catā€ in all caps…you have a grey cat, correct?

Taylor: I do have a gray cat!

Mars: I have 2 grey cats, so Iā€™m a bit of a connoisseur of grey cats, whatā€™s your grey catā€™s name?

Taylor: His name is Mordecai. His unofficial name is Meow Meow, I yell Meow Meow and he comes running.

Mars: I have Baron and Costco Hotdog.

Taylor: Aww, thats cute!

Mars: Besides music, what do you wish people would ask you about?

Taylor: Huh…[long pause] Wow, I donā€™t know! I recently quit my job to do music full time and make art full time.

Mars: Congratulations!!!

Taylor: So I donā€™t know, Iā€™ve thought about music and art so much in the past three months I havenā€™t really thought about much else. I dunnoā€¦I mean I enjoy an array of different things beyond music and art. I worked in healthcare for a long time and would really like to see more people put more effort into funding mental health and healthcare and society.

Mars: I saw you were recently making patches.

Taylor: Yeah, yeah, and I make a lot of the merch for Doom Scroll.

Mars: Did you make the underwear?

Taylor: I did, I did make the underwear.

Mars: I didnā€™t get a pair and I live with that regret.

Taylor: We will make more in the future!

Mars: Speaking of doing music full-time, what do you foresee for the future of Doom Scroll?

Taylor: Weā€™re definitely touring a bunch this year. We have at least two tours planned. Some with some friend bands but weā€™re not allowed to announce yet but Iā€™m very excited, and weā€™re doing a midwest tour.

Mars: East coast maybe?

Taylor: Maybe, weā€™re doing a midwest tour and then we might do a midwest-loop-to-the-east-coast little jaunt next tour? That one is still in the works. But I know for a fact weā€™re hitting the midwest in April-ish. So thatā€™s exciting. Weā€™re working on like, four music videos right now, and weā€™re getting vinyl pressed this year so weā€™ll have vinyl. Weā€™ve also got a new EP coming out that weā€™re also pressing on vinyl as well. Itā€™s a very exciting year for Doom Scroll.

Mars: That is exciting! Do you think youā€™ll continue making music with Elliott [Lozier] under Hermit Stew?

Taylor: So yeah, thatā€™s also is a fun thing thatsĀ  happening right now, Elliott is actually currently recording in the other room of the house, I donā€™t know if you can hear those sweet guitar licks through the walls…heā€™s recording right now and I think heā€™s putting out as Hermit Stew. Weā€™re gonna do an all electric album. Iā€™ll probably just sing on it, I donā€™t think there will be sick electric washboard on that album. So thats another thing thats in the works. Itā€™s a lot of old Atrocity Solution songs and some We the Heathens songs that didnā€™t make the cut, and so its like, all Elliott basically.

Mars: Tell Elliott Iā€™m nudging for Rah Goes The Dragon, and Iā€™m pretty sure Stufy is too.

Taylor: Yeah, we should do that one.

Mars: I would love for that song to get a resurgence.

Taylor: Iā€™ll let him know.

Mars: Finally, what are some of your influences?

Taylor: Well my first band that I fell in love with was Green Day, back in the day when I was like, 12. Love some Insomniac. I think that just spiralled me into the alternative kid universe. Then I was really into emo kid stuff as well, I really like Taking Back Sunday and the Used and all of that great, great music. Then when I was like 16, when I was busking for money with my friends, weā€™d play lots of Mischief Brew. So Iā€™d say Mischief Brew was what threw me into folk punk.

Mars: Yeah…Erik Petersenā€™s birthday was a couple days ago…Wow, I made myself sad. Iā€™m so sorry.

Taylor: Letā€™s end this on the saddest note ever. [laughs]

Mars: Right? And I have nothing else to segue into!

Taylor: Its okay, itā€™s a very sad tragedy and thatā€™s why mental health and rehabilitation matters.

Mars: Exactly!

More on Doom Scroll can be found at:



Taylorā€™s TikTok: @washedupscrub

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