Poetry Found in Issue 4: No Gods!


Pestilent “God”

Will you please let me be?

I’ve carried your weight too long,

Never have I known rest or peace.

For ages I’ve sought to see,

There is no beat within this song

Will you please let me be?

Shall my work never cease?

The days just go on and on,

Never have I know rest or peace.

Like a virus, you infected me.

While you’re here, everything is wrong.

Will you please let me be?

This is all I ask of you, please,

One day alone in the sun.

Never have I known rest or peace.

Is today when I finally break free?

Am I finally brave and strong?

Will you please let me be.

Never have I known rest or peace.



The microwave hates me

For using it that’s your job I

tell it at

Every frozen mealtime

Where would I be if I had ambition oh

I could be king of

the world I suppose but

I don’t like the attention

If I could fade away

I would

But something is holding me

back some part of my

story that’s unwritten still

I need to get writing I

need to start painting oh god.

Oh god. If

There was a god I would hope he’s

eccentric a Jack white-esque

statuette covered in daisies

and lilacs

and orchids

if there was a god the world

would care

so much more about music

~Helena Matthews

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